Thursday 7 August 2008

Nyanyako Star

Disgraceful as it may be, grandmothers were a necessary and very effective ingredient in childhood taunts. Innocent grandmothers found themselves at the heart of barbs such as 'Nyanyako kibogoyo lakini kwa kukula mifupa mwachie' and 'Nyanyako kaguru lakini kwa kudandia lorry mwachie'. The very best was a song composed specifically to jeer at friends and foes whenever the need arose, and you guessed it, granny was its subject. It went like this:

Nyanyako star! Star!
Anakula fish! Fish!
Uji na koo! Koo!
Ananyamba tiririiiiiii riii riiii riiiii


  1. Hi! I was searching for a video of the Omo with powerfoam ad when I came across your blog. It's hilarious! I have so many memories from my times in Kenya. Believe it or not, but I started to hum the knorr soup jingle, 'turn on the stove...cut the sachet...'. Thanks for taking me back in time!

  2. there was this TV commercial for tusker premium " style is premium..."
    It was some really nice classical even played in an episode of West Wing...I have tried to find the name of the tune in vain...can anyone help?


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